Blogging can be a very addicting activity. When I started blogging, all I would think about was what I was going to blog about and then take pictures of what may be relevant. I had a special file of potential blog pictures.
Ho' Oponopono - Hawaiian Prayer of Forgiveness
God Has Really Clean Clothes
Our kids as of late have been hearing and experimenting with "bad words". They are also savvy enough to change them slightly so they are not officially "bad words". For instance, when they started saying, "What the f***"...that's right... thanks to the school yard! I said, how about, "What the fa-lafel". We continue to laugh about that and everytime I share that story with someone new there's more laughter and nice little comments of how clever I am. ; -)
Psychic Waterslide
After two days of clouds and rain, the sun came out. We have some new friends who invited us over to their house today. I was getting the kids ready and explaining that we are visiting some new friends and going to their house to go swimming. After a few minutes Oliver started talking about the water slide.
Evolution and How I Came Around to a Healthier and More Natural Life
A little over two years ago I was on a spiritual retreat and the topic of food always comes up. I always knew that food would be my last frontier in terms of my spiritual evolution but I was not at all interested in and didn't feel the need to understand the organic obsession, vegans, supplements, etc. My position at the time was "evolution".
"Madmen" and a Kiss from Angels
Food Affects Your Mood and Psychology
I Choose How to Handle Every Moment
Nobody is perfect and I certainly had a less than perfect day yesterday. There wasn't anything wrong with this uneventful day either. I have been gently working on letting things go with the flow. My husband has been eloquently and naturally picking up the slack without my constant reminders (nagging). But yesterday I was out of patience with the kids, maybe everybody, but they were there and they were my mirror.
Something Special about Gold
Support and Websites for Conscious Parenting
I have felt like a lone crusader on this path of conscious parenting. Not a lot of people or professionals out there speaking my language so I not only wanted to document my journey and to leave a legacy to my children but to provide some resources to other people out there who are interested in the spiritual and social/emotional care of their children.
Let's Get Real
Father's Day with Magic Eyes
I love the special days that are special because everything falls into place so naturally and lovingly. Days where there is not a lot of preparation and it's easy to relax. This Father's Day was just like that. I got to sleep in ;-) , until 7 while my husband made breakfast. He asked if I had forgotten something and...oh my gosh...Father's Day!! Oops.